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20W LED Wallpack Replaces 70W Metal Halide

RAB 20W LED Wallpack

We were pleased to see how well the 20W RAB LED wallpack worked to replace a 70W metal halide wallpack light fixture. Those 50 Watts saved equate to $36 in annual energy cost savings, assuming the wallpack is operating for 4,000 hours per year at $0.18 per kWh. Factor in the maintenance cost savings over the 50,000 hour average rated life of the RAB LED light fixture, and it's easy to see why this product sells so well. A five year return on investment, that keeps paying an excellent return for better than the 12 year life of the product. Now that's how to make going green make more green for your business. See alos the RAB Lighting 10W LED pole mount light.

New School NYC Embraces LED Lighting Technology

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